Are you fit to trade?

Get rid of the age-old adage that trading isn’t for everyone, or that stock market is a gamble. With the right mentorship you can ace this, Chief!


Encendido ignites your financial freedom!

Learning about the stock market, the dynamics and the technical aspect of it ‘might’ throw you off guard if you go about its learning process alone. We’re aware that a lot of passionate and enthusiastic minds like yourselves need rock-solid, data-driven, and experience oriented training. That is fundamentally what we do- simply put!

We get that you're busy

Our sessions are time-friendly, So you can learn anytime, anywhere!

More than 100+ Portfolios

We have a proven track record of managing successful client portfolios!

Full Management Features

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Choose The Variety of Trading Account

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Classic Account

Taking your first steps into the world of stock market?

Pro Account

Skip the training and get to work with our network of experts

VIP Account

We do the work for you, while you reap the benefits. We bring you lucrative investments FASTER!